Manual Input ADB Command to make MoreLangs Work on Android 4.2+ No ROOTed Devices

First: Install our app MoreLangs_v6.5.0


What you need

  • Computer
  • Usb cable
  • Connect your device to the computer

Step 1. Enabling adb Debugging (Must do)

Tutorial – (Open Developer Options and open USB debugging on Android 4.2+)


Step 2. Dwonload ADB Tools:

Download the ADB Tools and Extract it.(After extracted you will find folder adb-tools)
(Video Tutorial for step 2 & 3 available Now:



Open a command line(Linux or Mac called Terminals, Windows called “cmd.exe”
Use command cd into “adb-tools” folder downloaded above.(command like below, replace YouPath to your file path)

cd /YouPath/adb-tools

Step 3. Grant Permission

Grant Permission
  • Input the Command Below and press “Enter” key:
adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION


If you get “error: no devices found“, that is mean you phone has not open the ADB debugging, Please Read Step 1 or Read Tutorial – Open Developer Options and open USB debugging on Android 4.2+

At last

You can click list item of MoreLangs app to change language .

24 responses on “Manual Input ADB Command to make MoreLangs Work on Android 4.2+ No ROOTed Devices

  1. Pingback: MoreLangs – Complete Tutorial To Change Locale Language On Android | SightIdea's Blog

  2. Billy

    Dear all

    we try this method in windows but it can’t find our LG V10 and displays “device not find” on the screen when we are using adb.exe to connect the LG V10. What is the problem? Moreover, we try to use imac OS but the adb can’t run again. How can we do? Thanks.

  3. acadamy123

    thank you very much
    thank you so much
    you safe my life
    thank you thank you thank you

  4. Hill

    Thanks you very much

  5. Pingback: Grant Permission to MoreLangs by ADB Command (Automatic or Manually) | SightIdea's Blog

  6. Nur

    Very awesome!

  7. Anie

    Doesn’t work on Note 4, grant permission failure ?

    1. First make sure open your phone’s usb debuging
      Use this automic way:

    2. Anonymoose

      Had the same issue after following these steps, what you will have to do is manually install the Samsung USB developer driver manually from for your computer to recognize your phone for debugging, otherwise it still thinks it’s a media player. You’ll know it’s working because once the correct driver is in place, the Note 4 will ask you if you want to allow your computer (it’ll say the mac address of the computer) to debug. Hope that helps. 😀

  8. alex

    Hi! I am trying to add the french language on my mexican phone. I did the step 1 enabling adb debugging, then downloaded the .zip for mac, but the command is not found.
    -bash: pm: command not found.

    Please help me !

  9. Mihir

    How to change locale from command line? I can change locales from UI, is it possible to change instead from command line?

  10. Jay

    Im currently using a Samsung Galaxy s6 Edge Plus (Android 6.0.1). Ive followed all the steps however the last command I entered gave me “error: device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.”
    The device was already in debug mode when I entered the commands.

    1. Jay

      FINALLY it worked!!! alright so after many attempts of entering the same command a million times. I finally got it to work, How? The reason is pretty dumb. Make sure you cable is plugged in all the way >:( or else it wont work. There was 3 simple steps. but I Forgot about step 0 (Plug IN)

  11. Alex

    I get this:
    bash: adb: command not found
    Please help!

  12. Russel

    Hello. When running the command, all I get is “error: closed” after the daemon starts successfully. I have followed the steps exactly and entered the command exactly, and despite many restarts of both phone and computer, I get the same error.

    Do you have any advice?

  13. Reinaldo Figuera

    buenas, mi cel es un hwa aun haciendo todo los pasos cuidadosamente sigo sin poder cambiar el idioma… hice los dos pasos, el automatico, me aparecia el successful y nada, me fui al modo manual y me aparece lo siguiente: error: could not access the package manager. Is the system running? y verifique la conexion del usb y estaba todo bien y me sigue apareciendo eso, no se que hacer, si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradeceria en el alma, mi cel es un huawei honor 3c play dual sim hol-t00 con la versión de android 4.2.2

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